Tournaments are going to be a regular occurrence in MetaPoker. Tournaments are organized seasonally every quarter with 11 weekly tournaments followed by 1 final tournament. MetaPoker welcomes all players to participate in these tournaments. Multiple tournament series are in place for all types of play styles.

Players are eligible to win MetaPoker's regular activity rewards on top of the rewards from these tournaments, and participation and performance in these tournaments will determine playersโ€™ League Ladder rankings in both Player Ladder and Poker Room Ladder. All participants are required to be a member of a Poker Room.

Tournament Types

  1. Freeroll Game: NO entry fees, Unlimited participants, and a set price pool

  2. Happy Game: Small Stakes, Limited participants, and a set price pool

  3. Elite Game: Medium Stakes, hosted by Individual Poker Rooms owners

  4. Special Game: High Stakes, hosted by MetaPoker, Seasonal Tournaments

Seasonal Tournaments

We expect numerous other private tournaments to be held outside MetaPoker's official seasonal tournaments. Poker Room owners can start and host a private tournament in MetaPoker. They will be in charge of funding, organizing, and running a tournament with full control using MetaPoker as a platform. Launchpad is a good starting point for those who are interested in starting their own poker Tournament brand.


  1. The tournament cash payouts: 90% of the tournamentsโ€™ registered revenue

  2. Extra MPC bonus. (i.e., assuming the cash prize is 1,000,000 Chips, the equivalent value of MPC will be rewarded as the extra bonus to the winnerโ€™s Poker Room.; 30% of the MPC bonus will go to the owner of the poker room, 40% will be used to honor the winner of the weekly tournament and the remaining 30% will be equally distributed to all the members within the Poker Room)

  3. The top 5% of the Weekly Tournament will be rewarded with a free Seasonal Tournament Ticket (Tickets can be traded in the Auction House).

Last updated