โ™พ๏ธWhat is MetaPoker?

You open the App Store. A dozen "Free to Play" apps greet your eyes from your screen. Youโ€™ve heard of a few from a YouTube or TikTok ad, or perhaps the banner of a website you frequent. After a brief second of curiosity, your rational mind takes over: you know how F2P games go. They start out fun and addicting, but theyโ€™re quickly unveiled as schemes to drain your cash. These โ€œFree-to-Startโ€ games end up being โ€œPay-to-Playโ€ experiences in disguise.

Unfortunately, this has become a common practice in the gaming industry today. Initially presented with spectacular advertisements, these F2P games provide an unfriendly user experience with every in-game transaction monetized to no end. Itโ€™s time for a new era: Pay to Earn gameplay is here.

Pay to Earn is not a new concept. Back in the golden era of MMO games, players were able to sell in-game items or services in exchange for money. Some intrepid players even paid for their college tuition by playing WOW or Diablo 2. This was possible until game publishers started to restrict player-to-player transactions and monopolized and centralized in-game services (such as the in-game marketplace).

Yet with the rise of decentralized GameFi, the P2E model has been gaining traction once again. GameFi and P2E are natural companions, as blockchain and NFT technologies breathe new life into the gaming world. This time, the players come first.

MetaPoker aims to be the forerunner of this movement in the poker gaming world. We are merging a poker ecosystem with GameFi principles. MetaPoker is fuelled by player-driven activities and interactions, with our app acting as a hub for users to interact and socialize in a virtual environment, Over time, the platformโ€™s evolution will also be directed by our community members instead of a central governing body.

The MetaPoker Metaverse Casino is the virtual hub for all this poker action. A cyberpunk space station orbiting our Earth, the Metaverse Casino calls out to dreamers and gamblers across the stars. Come aboard and join the next generation of poker players in a fast-paced, beautifully detailed world.

In the future, MetaPoker will even have VR integration to provide a much more immersive Metaverse experience. Walk the halls of the Metaverse Casino, as the galaxy shines around you. Imagine sitting down at a poker table that could be anywhere, be it Vegas or another dimension. All the while, you still shuffle poker chips while having heated competition-driven โ€œchit chatโ€ with friends. With MetaPoker, that realityโ€™s not far off. You can have it all.

MetaPoker is a place where the limits are your own imagination. You can do anything, go anywhere and take any action. Dreaming about being an astronaut? MetaPoker can take your poker experience to a totally different planets. Big fan of the Avengers? How does playing a couple hands with Iron Man on the top of Mount Everest sound to you? Winter getting you down? Not a problem! Join a tournament in Hawaii.

People come to the MetaPoker for all the things they can do, but stay because of all the things they can be. It's all your call.

MetaPoker is already on its way to the public and is being developed by community organizers, and developers around the world.

Last updated